The "Megaverse" has been revealed by Steve Carell, who voiced Gru in the Despicable Me films. In the recently unveiled teaser for Despicable Me 4, Carell introduces the Mega Minions in a world that will see other films and television series build on the Mega Minions' mythology. In the teaser, Illumination and Carell playfully mocked the superhero franchise concept from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which consists of a large number of interrelated films and television series that are all part of a major plot that spans many years.
By releasing an official website with an official narrative and a scheduled release schedule, Illumination took the farce a step further. The joke started with superhero movies, namely Marvel films, but it now also makes references to other films, including Star Wars, Jerry Maguire, James Bond, Mad Max, and more.
Mega Minions Legacy is one of the official movie names. According to the narrative, the heroes have to make a comeback "after the Anti-Villain League's quarterly earnings dramatically miss estimates."A humorous film with an established storyline that indicates the tale will be "determined based on rigorous market testing and ad hoc decision-making" is merely listed as a Untitled Mega Minion Spin-off.
Though it's obvious that the Megaverse announcement and movie titles are parodies, it would be intriguing to see some of these several movie concepts become made.At the very least, Despicable Me 4 will include the superpowered Mega Minions. The film is scheduled for release on July 3, 2024.