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Builds the best Yaoyao healer in Genshin Impact

In , Yaoyao is a 4-star Dendro healer.Impact of Genshine has the ability to provide both off-field and on-field assistance. The greatest tools and items that enhance Yaoyao's healing are listed here!


Rightful Reward / Kitain Cross Spear / Favonius Lance

Every one of these four-star Polearms has an energy-generating passive. Your best bet will be one of these three if Yaoyao is utilizing her Burst.


Yaoyao may equip Moonpiercer to give allies an ATK boost when she triggers a response if she isn't utilizing her burst. To get the benefit, you must pick up the leaf, and sometimes it will appear inside of foes that are out of your reach.

Dark Tassel

Three-star Polearm Black Tassel has a strong secondary stat of HP. Although its passive isn't particularly helpful, it will heal the most.

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Sets of artifacts

The optimal selection of artifacts for Yaoyao greatly relies on your squad. The ideas listed below are not in any particular order. Select the one that will benefit your squad the most and be the simplest to acquire.

4pc Deepwood Memories (4DM)

Four Deepwood Memories are essential if your squad mostly uses Spread or Hyperbloom to deal Dendro damage.

4 pieces Noblesse Oblige (4NO) / 4 pieces Tenacity of the Millelith (4TotM)

If ATK enhancements are advantageous to your squad, these sets are choices. On a 4pc, Yuegui's strikes may consistently sustain a high uptime because to the Millelith's bonuses. Additionally, in order to trigger the 4pc Noblesse Oblige effect, you must burst throughout each turn.

The Exile, 4 pieces

If another teammate already has 4pc Deepwood Memories, then 4pc Exile is a suitable generalist choice. Yaoyao Bursts may provide more energy, which can for more comfortable spins. You should be mindful that your Yaoyao could heal less than she would with a 5-star artifact set since this is a 4-star set with inferior stats.

Instructor 4 pieces

Yaoyao may carry 4pc Instructor in Aggravate teams or teams when another character already has 4pc Deepwood Memories to give her squad an Elemental Mastery bonus. Make sure Yaoyao remains on the field long enough to cause a response since she has to be there in order to initiate the 4pc Instructor effect. Since this is a 4-star artifact set, Yaoyao's healing could be a little bit slower while she's carrying it.

Stats about the artifacts

Energy Recharge
HPHealing Bonus

Yaoyao may not even need to burst if she isn't utilizing 4pc Noblesse Oblige or 4pc Exile. You may completely disregard Energy Recharge under these circumstances. However, Yaoyao's skill alone does not have nearly the same healing power as her burst, thus Nilou or Furina teams may not be able to use it to their advantage.

Yaoyao may need an energy recharge of 180–200% if she is utilizing her burst. Using weapons like the Favonius or Kitain Cross Spear, you can get away with less.

Pay attention to the HP and Healing Bonus metrics in addition to Energy Recharge. If use Favonius Lance, think about utilizing a CRIT Rate circlet. Yaoyao's damage can be mitigated with elemental mastery substats, but they shouldn't be prioritized.


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