After seeing his shadow, the Doom Guy thought we might have a little treat
Original Doom I never imagined I would wake up to ray tracing on this day of all days, yet here we are.The open mod, which was shared on Github by sultim-t, supports real-time path ray tracing for the first three episodes of the original Doom, also known as Doom1993. I realize that over time, the terminology has become somewhat convoluted! Interestingly, based on the specifics in the Github source, this goes much further than just "adding ray tracing." It provides a richer, more dramatic impact since it seems like the lighting effects have been updated overall.
How many times will we revisit the original Doom, both from a coverage standpoint and as genuine players?To the extent necessary. I was blown away when I played this post-Blake Stone/Catacomb-3D and I have great recollections of that experience. Recently, I revisited the whole series on Switch. It's one of those items that will always be in vogue. And the modding community's hard efforts are largely to blame for that. I'm glad so many of these games were released in an accessible format for the PC.
To be clear, there is such a thing as this. What timing, I know! However, you can download it and it's true.