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How Once Human may alter worlds

While playing Once HumanYou could sometimes run into scenarios when you spawn in separate worlds, which is something you should introduce friends to the game.

This can be resolved by switching servers, although it's more difficult to do so than it is to just push the world switch button. This is how you alter worlds in .Previously Human.

How to alter universes in Human Once

In , there are two methods to switch worlds.Previously Human:

  1. Locate a teleportation tower and change to another world.
  2. Create a new character on a different game server.

To switch servers without losing progress, just locate a teleportation tower. But if you've never used Once Human before If you don't mind losing a few minutes of progress, you may go straight to the main menu, choose a different server, and create a new character.

Locating a teleportation tower is necessary to switch between realms without creating a new character. Once you find and engage with a tower, you will have an option to "change to another world." You may easily switch between worlds using this option, which provides you with a list of servers, without having to start again or lose your belongings.

Where Teleportation Towers are in Once Human

After finishing the instructional questline and making your first foray into the game's open world, you will come across teleportation towers. Open your in-game map when you've entered the open world, choose the closest town, then click on its information to discover what services are offered. If there is a teleportation tower, it usually shows up first on the list.Follow any roads or trails that lead to a hamlet with a teleportation tower that you come across. When it interacts with anything, the tower appears as a little building that shoots a beam into the air, making it easier to see in the future. Others may be discovered as you travel the globe, but the first one I came across was in Deadsville at coordinates (6006, -5524).

How to sign up for a newserver Human Once

Alternatively, if you're new to Once Human and want to switch servers right away, you may create a new character by following the instructions below:
  • Open your main menu
  • Select Exit Game
  • Pick Re-login
  • Choose a new server on the login menu
You may choose to join another server after you've reached the main menu page. You will have to start again when switching servers in this manner since it necessitates creating a new character. Once you've created a new character, you'll go through the tutorial as normal to return to the open world.This is especially useful if you want to play without having to wait for a space to open but are unable to connect into your previous server. You may think of a second or third character as a fallback.There are only two methods to switch servers. It's best to confirm your server in advance, particularly if you're playing with pals and need to figure out where to start. Thankfully, switching to a different character or making a fast journey to the closest teleporter are your two alternatives if you ever need to switch worlds.

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